D has definitely been growing! We're guessing that he's between 12 and 13 pounds now. Chris did an unofficial weigh-in with D on our home scale. Although one Grandma guesses he's at 15 lbs. :) We'll find out this week when he goes in for his 2 month appointment.
I also didn't realize until after I took this picture and was watching him kick that he'd grown out of this sleeper! He's not growing out of things width-wise, but his feet can't stretch enough in this sleeper. He's still OK in his other 0-3M clothes, it's just the sleepers that are too short now! He's also going to grow out of a few 0-3M onesies unless I get some onesie extenders.
He'll have shots at his 2 month appointment, so hopefully he won't be too bothered by them for too long! Our doctor also said to go ahead and start on baby food when he's 2 months old, so we'll start with some of that this weekend too - pictures to come!
He's usually drinking 6 ounce bottles every 3-5 hours, with a few 3-5 ouncers thrown in the mix. We feed him rice cereal usually by spoon. (Yes, I'm aware of the differences in opinion on feeding rice cereal/baby food at D's age.) :) If we're out and about, he'll get the rice in his bottle, but that's not usual. He still thrusts a little out with his tongue, but he definitely opens wide for more, gets impatient when we're too slow feeding him and is excited to eat! We'll see how the veggies go!
Grandma Nea found the seat that they used to feed my brother in. We don't have a high chair yet, so we'd been feeding him in his car seat - not ideal. So, D's now eating in Uncle Brian's seat -- it's only 30-some years old, but it still works! :) In the first two pictures, he's also sitting on a 30-some year old receiving blanket -- I found it in my doll clothes diaper bag, and it's still good.
He'll have shots at his 2 month appointment, so hopefully he won't be too bothered by them for too long! Our doctor also said to go ahead and start on baby food when he's 2 months old, so we'll start with some of that this weekend too - pictures to come!

Grandma Nea found the seat that they used to feed my brother in. We don't have a high chair yet, so we'd been feeding him in his car seat - not ideal. So, D's now eating in Uncle Brian's seat -- it's only 30-some years old, but it still works! :) In the first two pictures, he's also sitting on a 30-some year old receiving blanket -- I found it in my doll clothes diaper bag, and it's still good.
Waiting for Aunt Cara... |
He's been sleeping a little longer off and on -- he slept 7 hours straight one night recently! We couldn't believe it. He's not quite done that long again (usually between 3-5 hours), but he's definitely lengthening the amount of time that he's been sleeping at night, and I can definitely tell that I'm getting more sleep!
He's also noticing where we are more and responding. I can't say that he's given us his first smile yet, but he's definitely following us when we talk and when someone else is in the room, or comes by. One of the cats was purring near him the other day and D turned his head towards her. He also likes the crib music toy that Grandma Lori found.
I was dog-sitting for the past few days. D, the dog and I had a nice walk around the neighborhood last night - probably the last one with the warm weather! It was a beautiful night and just what I needed for the stressful day I'd had trying to care for 3 animals, D, myself and get a work project done at home!
Modeling his green gDiaper. :) |
I'm not a person that's on-time. I don't try to be late, but it just seems to happen no matter how hard I try to be on-time! Add a baby to that mix and it's even worse! D and I were only 15 minutes late to the sitters, so not too bad. I was still able to get quite a bit of work done before I needed to pick him up - better than the 2.5/4 hour ratio from before. ;).
I didn't leave the Rock n' Play with the sitter (he'd slept for 4-5 hours in his crib after his 5 a.m. feeding, so I hoped he'd be fine for her). He refused to sleep in the crib, but finally fell asleep in his car seat -- he just doesn't like to sleep flat on his back yet! It will definitely be dropped off at her house next time he goes to her.
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