He's definitely a cheeser. He will chatter away and if you don't respond in a certain amount of time, he lets a howl loose, and when you come to see what's up, he just grins at you! I swear he winked at us a few times today too! He really is a happy baby.
He has been fascinated by all the goings on at the babysitters this week and after he's awakened from his nap and has a bottle, he stays awake to watch the other kids there. They enjoy saying 'hi' to him as he watches them. Even though he only goes two afternoons a week, I'm sure that's helped with him sleeping through the night too!
We started veggies on Saturday too. He started with squash (about 1 1/4- 1 1/3 ounces) and we're on day two of sweet potatoes. He was a little surprised by the flavor of the squash when he first had it, but liked it...the sweet potatoes, he was unsure of. However, the one night we fed sweet potatoes and rice within a few hours of each other, and he definitely didn't like the 'sourness' of the rice and wasn't too keen on eating his rice cereal that night! I usually try to feed the veggies at lunch time and rice before bedtime.
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