He had his 9 month pictures taken yesterday and also had his 9 month checkup (no shots thankfully!) and was 28 lbs 12 oz fully dressed and 30 in. tall. He's completely off formula as of Sunday and has no problems with whole milk.
He is a very busy, happy little boy. He's happy to stand at a box and bang on the lid while shrieking at the top of his lungs. You ask him what he's talking about and he stops for a moment, just gives you a big grin, and goes back to happily shrieking.
We're still acreage hunting and things are pretty scarce out there right now. There's one that we are still interested in, but don't know if we can come to an agreement on... if we do, things will be crazy around here since our house isn't even for sale yet.
Things would move quickly and a lot of stuff (clutter) would have to go away quickly if we were to put it on the market... oh, and I suppose I'd have to wash the dishes that don't go into the dishwasher more often if we started showing our house... or at least have the dishwasher empty to throw things into quickly to 'clean' up the countertop... ;)
Busy boy |
Dallas Cowboys outfit |
Won't you let me in? I just want to pet the kitty... I don't understand why she runs away when I happily shriek at her... |
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