On January 11th, when I picked up D from daycare, he'd learned how to blow raspberries...which, was really fun at feeding time when he decided to show us his new skill while being fed squash or some other pureed food! Thankfully he quickly grew out of this. It was really hard to keep a straight face and not laugh at him, which of course just encouraged him to spit more! He was having such fun blowing raspberries and feeling the food in his mouth. :)
We had our 3rd and final Christmas celebration this weekend.
D turned 23 weeks old on January 14th. He is such a character and definitely keeps us laughing at his antics.
After much drooling and chewing on everything in site, at 5 1/2 months, both of D's bottom teeth poked through on January 16th. He's pretty laid back, and was just eating a little less than normal when these teeth finally came through. He's back to eating normal, and not drooling as much, so no more teeth in sight yet... I've tried to get a picture, but he's a little maniac, so no such luck yet.
I'd been seeing what D did with a sippy cup for a few days, and on January 18th, he did actually drink 1 1/2 ounces out of one... however, he's not done much with one since, and pushes it away.
D also got a new outfit for Christmas that went with his 'costume' from daycare, so we retook his picture with his costume on for the full effect. :)
We had our last post-placement visit with our social worker on the 24th. So now, it's for her to get her report in and up to us to finish our monthly reporting and then get a court date to finalize D's adoption. Hopefully that will happen soon!
Chris and D had their first overnight without me this past weekend. Chris said that D learned how to play peek-a-boo with him this weekend. He's also discovered his toes and has fun hanging onto his feet.
Every year, we have a girls shopping weekend, and so I left Friday night for the trip. The girls found out that I'd never had a bachelorette party, and surprised me by throwing me one 10 1/2 years after the fact. Thank you girls for the surprise and the weekend. It was a lot of fun! :)
We did have quite the time on Sunday though coming back from our weekend. Three of us rode together and came back in the ice storm that hit the Midwest We drove very slowly and arrived 'home' after about 6 hours, for a normal 4 hour trip. We made three stops and averaged about 40 miles per hour. However, when we got to the driver's house, our other two cars were iced in, so Chris nicely came and picked us up and brought us back home. Chris and I were back home around 7:30 that night, so it was a very long day.
Both D and I were sick before I left for the weekend, but I got worse Sunday night/Monday. I took D to the doctor on Tuesday. He has asthmatic bronchitis and the possible start of an ear infection, so we were sent home with steroids and antibiotics. Chris was gone Monday morning through Thursday night.
We've both stayed at home for 5 days now, and it's driving me a little stir crazy. However, it's been super cold, along with more snow storms, and neither D nor I really needed or wanted to be out in the cold. D's still struggling with breathing/coughing, but not as bad, so we'll see if we need to go back to the doctor tomorrow. He's not supposed to be around people with colds while on the one medication (which, I'm sick, but there's nothing to do about that!), so we skipped church this morning and won't be going to the Super Bowl party tonight either.
We're also thinking about buying an acreage, so while I've been sick and not up to doing anything truly constructive, I've had plenty of time to think -- Chris would say too much time to think! ;) Living on an acreage has always been our goal, but now we're starting to seriously think about it and look at some places to get an idea on prices and what you get for your money.
There are so many things to consider when changing our home situation that I'd never really thought about, and the pros and cons associated, even between things like being located on a hard surface or gravel road. Moving to an acreage is a big step, especially since we've both been used to living in the city for the past number of years. I've not lived in the country for about 27 years and Chris about 18 years. I don't think we can get a pizza delivered to the country.. hmmmm......
We have found an acreage that we both like the layout of the land, outbuildings and house. It's a little further away from the town we've been living in than I'd prefer, but it's the only house and land that we've liked. I've not seen a lot of homes for sale out there that have what we're looking for, that can easily be remodeled and are in our price range. This old one we like is lacking a few things that we want, but it has possibilities, and I definitely like to dream!
The house does need a bit of updating... OK, well, more than a bit (new windows, furnace, A/C, kitchen, probably a bathroom addition, add attached garage... oh, did I mention the old knob and tube wiring??). Yes, I'm sure some of you are laughing hysterically right now, but if we can get it for the right price, we'd like to get it... It's not like we'd redo all of that list at once anyway, cause it's not like we play the lottery or anything. :)
It's been for sale since June, so hopefully by the time we make up our minds and get our finances in order, and see if we'd really like to go for it, it will still be for sale. Of course, that's saying the seller would accept our low offer...hmmmm.... now I'm laughing at myself cause we probably are a little bit crazy! :) Oh well, it's fun to dream and if this house gets sold to someone else, than I'll find another one to dream about!
Well, enough about houses... probably should work at picking up/cleaning ours so that if we do find something and buy it, our current one won't be too disorganized!
Hope everyone has a good day and week to come!
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