He's still in between sizes - he fits the newborn size, but also fits into some of the 0-3 month. Although the newborn sizes are starting to look tighter, and there are a few 0-3 month sizes that are too big yet. He's still in the tinyG gDiapers and hasn't moved up to the small size. We've tried 3 times with the smalls and had leaks twice... So, hopefully he grows a little more to be able to go to the true cloth diapers soon - the tinyGs look so tight on him right now!
At one month old, we've started him on rice cereal before bedtime. We've tried feeding him rice cereal out of the bowl and he ate it OK, but he's still really hungry and almost acting starved when he gets done finishing his bottle after the rice, so, we'll see if we make some adjustments to how we feed him the cereal. I think for now, we'll just probably put it in the bottle instead of spoon feeding him. It's hard to believe that he's already not just on formula anymore. Another month, and he'll be starting veggies!!
For these pictures, he's in a 0-3 outfit. :)
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