Sunday, August 12, 2012


Sorry to those looking for an upbeat post - this definitely isn't one of those, so you might not want to keep reading.
Adoption is a hard road for all involved. Nothing specific happened today, these are just thoughts I've had for a while...
It's hard thinking that how we might become parents is through someone else's pain. Our joy - their grief.
It's hard to take care of a little one and not become attached, especially not knowing if he's going to come home with us or not. I mean, how do you not get attached to a cutie pie you're caring for??
It's hard watching birth parents with their little boy and seeing them struggle to say goodbye each time.  I wish circumstances were different for them.
Yes, I realize that would mean that we wouldn't be able to raise D, or any future adopted child, without someone else experiencing some kind of loss.
I know, we don't live in a perfect world, but a broken one. I just really wish it weren't broken right now and that none of us would have to suffer heartache and loss - under any circumstances.
We'd hoped to be coming home tomorrow either with D in tow or without him. Right now E&D still haven't signed TPR and won't until Wednesday some time... So, we're going to try and get D in for his one week checkup down here tomorrow.
Do we go home on Monday as originally planned (which was supposed to be the earliest date that TPR revocation would have been over)... do we stay until next Sunday when the new revocation period is done...
Ahhh... I wish I had some quick and easy answers right now and not so many doubts and fears, but I don't ...
Yes, I'm praying for peace, understanding, wisdom and patience, and thank you to those that are praying for us - we definitely need and appreciate it. I know Chris wishes I wasn't such a pessimist!
We're praying for our families and friends too, as we know this waiting period is hard on you too.
I'm sorry family and friends that we don't know what to tell you about our current situation.
My next post won't be such a downer, just needed to share some things on my heart right now.
And ok, I'm whining a bit, cause I do miss the comfort of our bed (hotel sheets just seem to not fit the beds very well), our kitties and the familiarity of home!

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