Yeah! Our installation of a new bathroom faucet went smoothly and relatively quickly!!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
TPR & 2 week checkup
D's birth parents signed the TPR last Wednesday, and the 96 hour waiting period expired Sunday morning. We are happy and excited we get to raise D!!
D had his checkup yesterday and he's doing great - already up to 8 lbs. 11 oz!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Toolie Insect
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Either I'm a complete failure at putting on D's diaper, he's a Houdini or he needs to move up a diaper size already ... I just got lucky that I didn't have to wake Chris up for help as I almost had my first blowout!
The diaper was barely on D's butt (I could see most of his butt), :) but it was hanging on enough that I got really lucky and didn't need a complete wardrobe change!
I'm hoping he needs to move up a size and isn't a Houdini or that spells trouble... I can't be that bad at diapering, can I??? ;)
Time for me to get some sleep!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
1 week checkup, a few pics
My cousin Andria was still at work when we went in for D's checkup, so we were able to see her office area after D's appointment. She asked us over for supper and we had sweet corn (very good after a week on restaurant meals) and Whitey's Ice Cream for a late dessert. We had fun visiting with her and her family!
This afternoon it's time for another bath. Andria loaned us her bathtub, so it will be much easier using that than the last bath we gave D in the hotel. We're planning on heading home Thursday, so his next bath will be at home!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Thinking about my next move...
"It's tough being me," D says. "I have to think about my next move...maybe a diaper blowout...hmmm we'll see...who knows what mischief I can come up with..."
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Adoption is a hard road for all involved. Nothing specific happened today, these are just thoughts I've had for a while...
It's hard thinking that how we might become parents is through someone else's pain. Our joy - their grief.
It's hard to take care of a little one and not become attached, especially not knowing if he's going to come home with us or not. I mean, how do you not get attached to a cutie pie you're caring for??
It's hard watching birth parents with their little boy and seeing them struggle to say goodbye each time. I wish circumstances were different for them.
Yes, I realize that would mean that we wouldn't be able to raise D, or any future adopted child, without someone else experiencing some kind of loss.
I know, we don't live in a perfect world, but a broken one. I just really wish it weren't broken right now and that none of us would have to suffer heartache and loss - under any circumstances.
We'd hoped to be coming home tomorrow either with D in tow or without him. Right now E&D still haven't signed TPR and won't until Wednesday some time... So, we're going to try and get D in for his one week checkup down here tomorrow.
Do we go home on Monday as originally planned (which was supposed to be the earliest date that TPR revocation would have been over)... do we stay until next Sunday when the new revocation period is done...
Ahhh... I wish I had some quick and easy answers right now and not so many doubts and fears, but I don't ...
Yes, I'm praying for peace, understanding, wisdom and patience, and thank you to those that are praying for us - we definitely need and appreciate it. I know Chris wishes I wasn't such a pessimist!
We're praying for our families and friends too, as we know this waiting period is hard on you too.
I'm sorry family and friends that we don't know what to tell you about our current situation.
My next post won't be such a downer, just needed to share some things on my heart right now.
And ok, I'm whining a bit, cause I do miss the comfort of our bed (hotel sheets just seem to not fit the beds very well), our kitties and the familiarity of home!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Discharged and more!
At the hospital the day D was born. |
D has been a great little boy so far, so quiet and a good eater! Nicole has been praising the bottles we're using (Playtex VentAire) because they let so little air into D's tummy. Of course, nobody told Chris (kind of) so he thought he was a failure at burping. We also like the gDiapers we're using.
E & D were planning on signing the Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) on Thursday, but unfortunately for us, that didn't happen. They reassured us that they hadn't changed their minds about the adoption, and have rescheduled the meeting with their lawyer for Wednesday. It's definitely hard to wait for the TPR signing and the waiting period after that.
They stopped over on Thursday night for a little bit. We had planned on staying in town with D until the TPR revocation period was over, but now that might be a lot longer than we had first hoped (if they sign on Wednesday, the revocation period would be over on Sunday, Aug. 19th), so plans might be changing as to how long we are down here. We hadn't wanted to bring D home until he was 'ours', but that's a long time to be in a hotel with limited resources with a newborn, equally hard if we have him home with us and they change their minds! Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers - they are definitely appreciated!
In the car seat with my cute hat, waiting to go back to the hotel. |
Sorry it's been so long since we've updated, but like we said, somebody has been keeping us busy! Here's a few recent pics.
Sorry also about the weird formatting -- still trying to get used to how this blog site works!
After my bath - all happy again! |
All snuggled up in the sleep sack. |
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
It's a boy!
He's supposed to be eating, but he'd just rather sleep at the moment!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
DIY & Miscellaneous
Yes, I'm sure my female pioneer ancestors are laughing at me 'making' soap after all the advances we've had, but I think it's fun! I probably won't ever make it from scratch like they would have had to though.
I had a companion while watching the Olympics on TV the other night. :) She was completely sprawled and content, until we started snapping photos, and then she opened her eyes and cackled at us to complain about the interruption.
We also had to laugh, because we picked out the same exact anniversary cards for each other. They did have different designs and colors to them, but the wording was exactly the same!!
We also had some welcome rain again today. It wasn't much, but we'll take all we can get.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
'Homemade' Body Wash
I've tried the laundry detergent recipe and I need to tweak it a little to compensate for our hard water. And I'd like to try a few different soap options too. Last time I used Fels Naptha as the base soap and will probably use lye soap next time and probably modify the recipe a bit. I did like the smell of the Fels Naptha soap, but have heard and read good things about lye soap, so I'll try that next. Due to our hard water, liquid soaps work better than dry, but they do take a little longer to make!
Today I made 'homemade' body wash. I wanted to make a small recipe to start with in case I didn't like it or the recipe didn't work well. So, I used 1 bar of Dove Sensitive Skin Unscented Beauty Bar soap (grated), 2 cups water and 1 tsp. of glycerine.
The glycerin amount was less that the recipe called for (it said TBSP, not tsp). I've read recipes that didn't call for glycerine, so we'll see when I try it out tomorrow if I like it or not! The glycerine was the most expensive thing of all the ingredients but you're not using a lot, so it makes sense if the recipe calls for it. I let the soap solution sit for about 12 hours to thicken, and I know if I left it longer it would probably get thicker, but I liked the consistency I had now.
I also made some homemade baby wipes solution too, using Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap Pure Castile Almond liquid soap, water and tea tree oil. Not keen on the tea tree oil smell, but it's a disinfectant and will keep the solution fresh longer. The Dr. Bronner's soap part smells yummy and feels soft though -- can't want to start using it!
Maybe I'll make some 'manly' body wash for Chris next... :)