We had an event tonight I'm not quite believing it's time for: school orientation! Actually it was for 3 year old preschool so the kids and parents could see each other and the classroom.
We got to take home a folder with our first (of many I'm sure) Scholastic book club order forms and I can't believe D has grown to be ready for preschool-time has flown by.
D had fun tonight. So much so that when it was time to leave, Chris had to carry him out of the school (his preschool is held in the same school he'll attend when he gets older). He tried to shut the car door so that he could stay at the school and cried on the way home cause he didn't want to leave and wanted to use the scissors again and cut.
So I think he looks forward to when he actually starts. He's still not completely potty trained though, so hopefully we don't have issues for the short time he's at school each week.
Can't believe how fast the time has flown and how fast it will continue to fly!