Tuesday, November 26, 2013


D is captivated while watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer for the first time.

Happy Birthday to me. :)

Happy Birthday to me! :) We went out to the Texas Roadhouse for supper and D joined me on the birthday saddle.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

15 months doctors visit

D had his 15 month checkup at the doctor yesterday. He did really well, but I'm pretty sure he knew what was coming when the nurse came to give him his shots. He got three yesterday and in a month has to go in for the followup flu shot. The doctor said next year he could do the flu mist so that will be good!

He was crying a bit with the shots, which the nurse said he would do because the ones this time would 'burn' more. The nurse had a sucker for him to have afterwards. He wouldn't take it at first until I was able to get it to touch his lip and he had a small taste. Then the tears were gone and he definitely wanted his first sucker!

He's still in the 100 percentile for height and weight, and 86% for head circumference. He's 34" tall and weights 31 lbs. 12.8 oz. We can definitely tell he's getting taller and now he is seeing things on the counter tops and table without climbing up to see some of the things.

They sent us home with a 'Well-Child Checkup: 15 Months' sheet. I did have to laugh at one of the bullet points as it was a good reminder to try to be patient and not get frustrated. They should have put those sentences in bold type as D is definitely testing the boundary waters!

  • Teach your child what's okay to do and what isn't Your child needs to learn to stop what he or she is doing when you say to. Be firm and as patient as possible. It will take time for your child to learn the rules. Try not to get frustrated.

He's now up to 14 teeth - 8 on top and 6 on the bottom. I think he'll be getting his other two canines in on the bottom soon. D's also started to 'blow' kisses. He gets the kissing his hand part down, but it's blowing the kisses away that he's not doing yet.

We've got a lot of things unpacked and organized at our new house, but not everything. We were hoping that this house wouldn't need some of the weatherstripping that we've had to do in our old house, but no such luck. I caulked around a few windows/doors today and will have some more to do later. We'll probably have to catch a few spots outside this weekend when it's a little warmer.

For the most part we enjoy our new spot - only wish that the previous homeowners had put in a windbreak. We will definitely work on that next spring and in the coming years! Among other things, my parents helped us put up snow fence last weekend, so that was a great help!

We have also been looking for childcare again. I'd found a new lady to watch him, but he didn't get along well there, so we're looking for a new place. Working part-time is definitely a hindrance to finding childcare, but so is the fact that D is still under 2. I took him in with me to work last week during his afternoon nap and was able to get a number of hours of work in. That won't work long term, but hopefully I'll be able to find someone.

 Below are a few pictures.
Waiting for his 1st birthday cupcake.

Studying his birthday cupcake.


D spent a week at my parents while I was working
on the new house - he was so proud of himself
getting up onto the cedar chest.

He also surprised Grandma Nea by climbing up on the stool!

Our new backyard looking NE at the house.

First family picture at our new house

Snow fence installation on a windy day.